Everywhere I go I meet people who confide that they or someone in their family have been touched by Breast Cancer. Last week I went to buy a previously owned ( loved ) car and during the negotiations the manager of the dealership asked me what I did professionally. I explained that I was the founder and executive producer of the first original musical about Breast Cancer called Breast In Show. He told me that his wife age 37 was a one year survivor. He told me about a substance that I had not heard of that helped the patient during chemo and afterwards from Israel called Lifewel. In the middle of this conversation he mentioned to the salesperson that he would accept my offer on the car and went on to discuss more about his wife and her journey with this disease. This kind of human interaction doesn't happen to me on other topics.
I am continually amazed at how everyone I meet has some connection with this disease. I look forward to the day when this disease is a thing of the past.