Monday, August 9, 2010

Tickets on Sale For "Breast in Show"

Great news! Tickets will be on sale for Breast In Show on Tuesday August 10, 2010! Be the first to get tickets to this ground breaking new show that believes that "We can, We must and We will eradicate Breast Cancer in our lifetime". Only 270 tickets available for each night. Don't delay!

Go to for more information.

Purchase tickets at Brown Paper Tickets or call 1.800.838.3006.

We can, We must and We will eradicate Breast Cancer in our lifetime.

Being a woman of a certain age, I remember when President John F. Kennedy stated that “we would land a man on the moon by the end of the decade.” Initially there were a lot of people in different organizations and parts of the country that said that could not be done. But an interesting phenomenon happened - soon everyone around the country began to work towards that goal. Because someone was bold enough to state that as a goal, no one wanted to fail.

That is how I feel about the tag line for “Breast In Show” - We can, We must and We will eradicate Breast Cancer in our lifetime. There have been numerous private, public groups, international organizations and government agencies pursuing a wide range of research and treatment options - sometimes in conjunction with one another and sometimes alone. I believe that the time has come to put a stake in the ground and to rally all the resources to proudly rid the world of a disease that affects so many people in the next 30 years.

We are so close - let us make this our goal and legacy to our daughters and grandchildren!